Aglaia Haritz
“Art is for me the tool to speak about human being, which is no more the centre of the universe, but should be part of a whole. I am interested in social, where the human is the focus. Life in conflict zones influencing me and I elaborate over various media, developing a plastic artworks.
I rip parts from traditional mass media like press agency, newspaper or TV and alternative media posted by “citizen journalists” on blogs, social networks and YouTube. I elaborate them expressing a necessity to denounce, report and talk about uncomfortable subjects, to ask questions to break the cliché or the silence, to think about the fact that good and evil has extremely thin borders.
I rip out actuality news, neatly chosen, and I elaborate them with threads, fabrics and sewn, to create sculptures, paintings or drawings. The sewing becomes drawing and it shapes forms from textiles. The threads and the fabric are necessary to create a soft but strong presence, the sensation of falling is always present because of the free threads on the hung up work.
I provoke and I question in a plastic way the feminine and the masculine. Not the gender male and female but the masculine and feminine, which are both integral parts of human being. These two parts clash with each other, underlined by using soft and lightweight material for such a serious and important thematic.
I need the intentional introduction of the element time (slow time), the material cloths, the repeated gesture of sewing, the presence of twisted threads confusing the lines of the drawings, to make the artwork more expressive, strident and even suffering.”
Aglaia Haritz
Born in Ticino, Switzerland, Aglaia Haritz got in 1999 the artistic maturity at the CSIA in Lugano and in 2003 the National Diploma of Fine Arts, ENSA in Limoges, France. She exposed in Museums and in Contemporary Art Centre in Switzerland, in Germany, in Italy, in France, in Holland and in Slovenia. Her works are parts of important Art Collections. Since 1996, parallel to the study and the artistic production, she developed a social artistic research through collaboration in human projects in India, in Central African Republic, in Democratic Republic of Congo, in South America and in West Bank. She was selected for the Art Residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, Dar Al-Ma’mûn Art Residency in Marrakech, art residencies in Cairo, Morocco and Lebanon.
In 2013 she created, in collaboration with Abdelaziz Zerrou, the itinerant art project Embroiderers of Actuality which take part at Valletta 2018, the European Capital of Culture 2018.
Site de l’artiste
Site de “Embroiderers of Actuality”
• “Ricamare la realtà” vidéo à propos de Embroiderers of Actuality
• Embroiderers of Actuality in Ibraaz
• “Dire fare cucire”, reportage vidéo sur l’artiste (en italien)