Fatima Mazmouz
Fatima Mazmouz is an international conceptual artist.
Between her exhibitions and her performances photographed in numerous countries, she has turned her body into a veritable subject and medium for artistic reflection.
The photographer has transformed her carnal envelope into a political territory marked by feminism, post-colonialism, memory, resistance and the rewriting of history, a production grouped under the generic title Les ventres du silence, pouvoir et contre pouvoirs, which address issues such as abortion (Le corps Rompu), the body of pregnancy and the concept of the Motherland (Le Corps Pansant), the womb of the city of Casablanca (Le Corps Colonial) and, finally, the transmission of knowledge in the female vernacular, occult sciences and magic (Le Corps Magique).
Fatima Mazmouz has exhibited in numerous events and institutions: Rencontres Africaines de la photographie de Bamako (2005), Festival International de la Photographie à Arles(2006), Institut du Monde Arabe (2014), Biennale de Dak’art (2016), Centro Atlantico Arte Moderno (2017), Grandes Halles de la Villette (2017), Paris Photo(2018), Stedelijk Museum (2019).