La Maison Salvan
La Maison Salvan – a project of the city of Labège in France – is exploited as a resourceful space and time for artists, and fosters their research through residencies. It is a space of creation where approaches mature, and artworks are produced. The key word of the residencies is accompaniment. Invited and hosted, rather than identified after a call for applications process, it is basically a matter of “listening” to the artist, of standing behind him or her, and looking in the same direction. This “discrete intensity” that the artist finds by his/her side can only enhance the progress.
On another level, the organization dedicates an annual budget to the Maison Salvan Editions, or editorial projects conceived with other partners. It is always a matter of extending and valorizing the work of the invited artists.
Moreover, it proposes a cultural program to multiply entries and to facilitate access to proposals by individuals.
In fact, the cultural and pedagogical dimensions are at the heart of the project, as well as a real desire to welcome the diverse people who constitute the public.