Lotte Arndt
Writer and curator Lotte Arndt (Paris) lectures at École supérieure d’art et design Valence Grenoble, and accompanies the work of artists who critically interrogate the postcolonial present and the blind spots of modernity.
Her thesis is about the postcolonial negotiations in African cultural reviews in Paris (Négociations postcoloniales dans les revues culturelles africaines à Paris, 2013).
In winter 2016, she was Goethe Institut Fellow at the Villa Vassilieff (Si nous habitions un seuil), and then an associate editor at the online magazine Qalqalah (No. 3, 2017).
She works with the group of artists and writers of Ruser l’image, as she is also a member of the research group Global Art Prospective (INHA Paris).
She co-curated Candice Lin: A Hard White Body (2017, with L. Morin) at Bétonsalon, Paris, and Candice Lin: A Hard White Body, a Soft White Worm (2018, with P. Pirotte and L. Morin) at Portikus, Frankfurt/Main. Recent projects include: Tampered Emotions. Lust for Dust, Triangle France (June 2018); One Sentence Exhibition, Kadist (August 2018); and the research program The Vacation of the Museum. Decolonize Ethnographic Collections with Cinema (2016-2018). In Winter 2016, she was Goethe fellow at Villa Vassilieff, Paris, and subsequently guest editor of the online magazine Qalqalah (2017). Her PhD is dedicated to postcolonial negotiations in Paris based cultural magazines related to Africa (2013). She works closely with the French artist and writers group Ruser l’image, is a member of the research group Global Art Prospective (INHA Paris), publishes on artistic strategies that aim to subvert eurocentric narratives and institutions, and co-organizes cultural programs, screenings and discussions in artistic and academic spaces. Last major publications include Magazines Do Culture ! Postcolonial Negotiations in Paris Based Periodicals Relating to Africa (in French), WVT, 2016; Crawling Doubles. Colonial Collecting and Affect (with Mathieu K. Abonnenc and Catalina Lozano), B42, 2016 ; Hunting & Collecting. Sammy Baloji (with Asger Taiaksev), MuZEE, Galerie Imane Farès, 2016.
Texts & research
• Hunting & Collecting, about the work of Sammy Baloji
• Corps sans repos, voix en errance Moulages raciaux et masques surmodelés dans des collections muséales et des interventions artistiques, en France et en Allemagne, in REVUE Asylon(s), N°15, february 2018, Politique du corps (post) colonial.
• Une image que l’on puisse habiter. A propos d’un travail d’Alejandra Riera, in MAYrevue.
• Qalqalah, revue en ligne.
• Si nous habitions un seuil, curatorial residency at La Villa Vassilieff.
• Lien vers le livre Les revues font la culture ! Négociations postcoloniales dans les périodiques parisiens relatifs à l’Afrique (1947-2012).
Online conference
Les revues font la culture !
Global Art & Cultural Periodicals Journée d’étude à l’INHA
Volet 1. Postwar and Postcolonial Spaces