As part of the project Binatna / about traces, Le Cube – independent art room invites three Austrian artists (Käthe Hager von Strobele, Edith Payer, Nicole Schatt) and three Moroccan artists (Carolle Benitah, Jamila Lamrani, Leila Sadel) for a collaboration that is part of the artistic residencies framework, in Morocco and Austria. Coming from different contexts, these six artists, share a similar vision, in their treatments and questionings concerning the ephemerality of existence, the nature of memory and its preservation, the contextualization of fragments and traces left and put emphasis on the corresponding priorities.
This publication traces the main lines of this bilateral project and presents the new projects realized by the artists as part of Binatna.
Contributors : Elisabeth Piskernik, Wolfgang Angerholzer and the artists
Graphics : Omar Dyouri Ayadi
Language : French – German – Arabic
Closed format : 17 x 24 cm
40 pages