Le Cube – independent art room has been chosen as a local partner for the project of artistic creation by the Institut Français of Morocco that echoes to the initiative supported by the Institut du Monde Arabe of Paris and the National Foundation of Museums in Morocco.
In this residence program, Younes Baba Ali proposes the realization of a video installation Echange Filosofik. The latter is a diptych that represents a pseudo philosophic exchange on ideals, and the relation to Islamic education while being an immigrant with North African roots.
The project wishes to respond to the necessity to create spaces open to collectivity and reflection, those spaces from which artistic expressions immerge, also questioning the modalities of artworks production and diffusion.
With Echange Filosofik, Baba Ali sets critical tools and experiments with methods of work and sharing. By infiltrating public spaces and considering them like spaces of experience and experimentation, the artist questions the traditional format of exhibitions.
In this way, the artist wishes open up new fields of action in contemporary art in Morocco.
With his projects, Younes Baba-ali plays with the codes of artwork showcasing and circumvents them while juxtaposing the question of nature and the status of the object with a reflection on the relations between art, public and museum institutions. In this context, the artist incites to direct confrontation of the artwork.
Since the realization of his first installations in 2008, it seems that he has found through sound a necessary space for his practice. The force of this medium comes from its immateriality, in its capacity to propagate in space, in the direct and brut interaction of the presented piece and its public: The Sine qua none condition to the existence of the artwork itself.
If the work of Younes Baba-ali is characterized by the diversity, perhaps even the divergence of forms, it is then always the question of being situated in the point of balance between aesthetic will and the urgency of the messages to transmit.