Françoise Vergès
Françoise Vergès is an anti-racist and anti-capitalist decolonial feminist. Being from the Réunion island, she focuses on the fabrication of the forgetfulness of oppression, slavery and colonial narratives.
She has published in French and English on slavery and colonialism memorials, on racial Anthropocene, Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire, museums and feminism.
She is the president of the collective “Décoloniser les arts”, and since 2015 curator of L’Atelier that brings together racialized artists, every once a year, to create a collective and collaborative performance.
Her latest publication, Un féminisme décolonial, will be edited by La Fabrique, in February 2019.
Françoise Vergès is also the author of the films, Aimé Césaire face aux révoltes du monde (2013) and Maryse Condé. Une voix singulière (2011).
She is an independent curator who has notably organized at the Louvre museum: “L’esclave au Louvre : une humanité invisible” in 2013; as well as the exhibitions Dix femmes puissantes (2013) and Haïti, effroi des oppresseurs, espoir des opprimés (2014) for the memorial of slavery abolition in Nantes.
She regularly collaborates with artists.
Books and publications (selection)
• Un féminisme décolonial, La Fabrique, 2019
• Décolonisons les arts !, collective publication under the direction of Leïla Cukierman, Gerty Dambury and Françoise Vergès, L’Arche éditeur, 2018
• Le ventre des femmes. Capitalisme, racialisation, féminisme, Albin Michel, 2017
• L’Homme prédateur. Ce que nous enseigne l’esclavage sur notre temps, Albin Michel, 2011 ;
• La mémoire enchaînée : Questions sur l’esclavage, Albin Michel, 2006
• Nègre je suis, Nègre je resterai, Interviews with Aimé Césaire, Albin Michel, 2005
• Monsters and Revolutionaries: Colonial Family Romance and Métissage, Duke University Press, 1999