Mehdi Brit
Curator, artistic director and director of French cultural projects, Mehdi Brit supports the artistic, strategic and managerial direction of cultural institutions.
He is currently Head of the Performing Arts Department of the Ile-de-France region.
With his expertise in the visual arts, performing arts and fashion, he has founded several festivals and cultural projects in France and internationally (Festival Emerge, Festival de la Croatie en France, In Process…).
Cultural Attaché and head of the arts sector at the French Embassy in China between 2018-2022, he was artistic director of the Festival Croisements and the initiator of flagship projects in Franco-Chinese cooperation (Festival French Waves, Festival Danse en images, Dating with fashion, Prix de la Fondation CHOI pour l’Art contemporain, Les Rencontres de la performance, Les Nocturnes…).
He has collaborated with numerous cultural establishments, institutions and events: Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Power Station of Art – Shanghai, Three Shadows Art Center, The Artist Garden Museum – Qingdao, Friche Belle de mai, Marseille, Capitale Européenne de la Culture, Centre Pompidou, Centquatre, Saison franco-croate, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Silencio, FIAC (Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain), Brownstone foundation, Jeu de Paume, Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Printemps de Septembre – Festival International de Toulouse, Performa Biennale – New York (… ).
His exhibition and programming projects include: “Quand la transgression flirte avec le luxe, 2010-2012; So Swiss : the performance scene in Switzerland; Festival de la Croatie en France, 2012; Empreintes et passages à l’acte, 2013; European Manifesto of Weaknesses, 2013; La Trilogie antique, Nuit Européenne des musées, 2014; L’Eveil du Printemps, 2014 ; In Process, 2013-2016; Les Corps se déchaînent, 2016; James Webb, Hope is a Good Swimmer, 2016-2017, A Rebours, 2014-2019; In Love, 2018-2019; Festival Emerge, 2019; Through Body and Sound Horizon, 2018; Environmental Love, 2022; ShowTime, 2022 (… ).
Founder of Revue Diapo, a cultural and digital magazine (2010-2015), he has taken part in numerous publications, and notably published, in collaboration with Sandrine Meats, the first book on the history of performance in France (Interviewer la Performance. Regards sur la scène française depuis 1960, 2014, Manuelella Edition).
Recently, he curated the first solo exhibitions in China of Marcos Avila Forero and Daphné Navarre (2022) at the Three Shadows Photography Art Center (Beijing, Xiamen) and an exhibition on fashion and Paris through the photographs of Sun Ruixiang.
Born in 1985, he lives in Paris.
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