Mustapha Akrim
The installations of Mustapha Akrim question the nature of work and the difference between construction and artistic creation in relation to the constant change of society.
He belongs to an artist generation that develops a new language redefining the basis of expression in the visual arts in Morocco. Having a nuanced comprehension of history and the dynamicity of power, this generation, that has broken up with the aesthetics developed in the post-colonial period, is seeking a new form of free expression.
Mustapha Akrim is born in 1981, he lives and works in Rabat and Salé.
He is graduated from the Institut National des Beaux-Arts de Tétouan in 2008
The artist’s works were exhibited in L’appartement 22, Le Cube – independent art room in Rabat, la 3ème Biennale of Marrakesh in the Palais Bahia, the Musée d’Art Contemporain MACBA of Barcelona, Darat al Funun in Amman, the Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain Mohammed VI in Rabat, the MUCEM Musée des civilisations européennes et méditerranéennes in Marseille, the Central for Contemporary Art of Brussels and the Kunsthalle, Centre d’art contemporain in Mulhouse.
Mustapha Akrim participated in workshops in Namibia, Jordan, France and Morocco.
• “Bzzz Bzzz” in Diptyk n.20
• “L’envers du billet” par Emmanuelle Outtier in Diptyk n.31
• “Choc des mots, poids des images” par Fouzia Marouf in Le Soir-echos

Peinture sur toile, 110 x 200 cm

Photographie et impression sur papier, 50 x 65 cm

Béton armé, ⊘ 130 cm

Néons, 120 x 24 cm