Nadine Descendre
Nadine Descendre pursued her graduate studies in two majors: philosophy (aesthetics) and letters (art history). After that, she held the position of a concomitant journalist for the press, and art critic for the specialized press (Esprit, Les Nouvelles Littéraires, l’Express, etc.)
She is an author, a documentary director, and a curator (last in date Mohammed Kacimi, une transition méditerranéenne at Mucem, Marseille), with a particular interest in contemporary art and international avant-garde in all of the aforementioned areas.
She has also been invited to take in charge different responsibilities, (project manager for human rights at the Ministry of Culture, director of the École supérieure des beaux-arts de Nîmes, director of the French Institute of Rabat in Morocco, head of the 2005 Mission in Lorraine, project manager for Marseille-Provence 2013). Currently, she is the director of the European Intercultural Agency (A.I.E.).
Nadine Descendre is considerably experienced in cultural, intellectual and artistic events coordination and in re-enacting national and international cultural policies.
She never stopped collaborating with various specialized journals, in addition to being the author of several books including Le Bottin des Lumières by the Esban/Actes Sud editions, Daniel Buren, d’une arche à l’autre, a.p.r.è.s. editions; and several books on contemporary Arab art by Skira editions, including Alim Al Karim, Mohamed El bazand the last published Mohammed Kacimi (in three volumes: monograph and catalog raisonné).
Nadine Descendre published in Albin Michel the beautiful book: Pierre Paulin, l’homme et l’œuvre, and is currently working on several projects in progress including an essay for the IAC (Institute of Contemporary Art of Villeurbanne).
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