Soufiane Hennani
“My artistic productions question our relationship to gender and sexuality. Through photography, video and writing, I create a point of contact between masculinities, femininities and non-binarities to make them bear witness to a 21st century Morocco where sexual diversity and gender plurality are criminalized.
In my work, I am inspired by bodies in the public space, verbal expressions and colonial architecture that tell stories of oppression and colonialism.My belonging to an intersectional and decolonial activism is embodied in my artistic productions.
I explore the life stories of Queer people to document, archive and use them against an unique and hetero-normative discourse prevalent in Morocco.”
Soufiane Hennani is a PhD candidate Researcher in Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy – Hassan II University of Casablanca, independent activist for the rights of LGBTQI+ people and Queer Columnist.
He writes columns for the committed French magazine PDREVUE and has published several articles on the situation of LGBTQI+ people for the South African magazine QR PASSION, the blog of the independent Moroccan publishing house En toutes lettres, the Openchabab platform -of which he is a member- and other LGBTQI+ platforms.
Soufiane Hennani is the winner of the Arab Foundation For Freedom and Equality‘s social change program in 2019, has been a volunteer with the AIDS association since 2016 and co-founder of the Elille collective for the promotion of sexual diversity and gender plurality through art and culture.
Soufiane Hennani is also former vice-coordinator of the youth advisory committee at Amnesty International Morocco (2018-2019) and contributed in 2017-2019 to the realization of the platform INTERSECTIONS to denounce the liberticidal laws in the Moroccan penal code, produced by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Soufiane Hennani is particularly interested in issues related to Queer Moroccan Identities and masculinities and as such he created in 2020 MACHI ROJOLA, an alternative platform to rethink and question masculinity(s) in Morocco.
expositions & événements