The next day after this conference at the Institut Français du Maroc a round table takes place at Le Cube – independent art room in order to prolong together the presented research of le peuple qui manque.
“Curating comme rhapsodie”
(curating as a rhapsody)
In the Miroir d’Hérodote, François Hartog spoke about rhapsody. This poet of ancient Greece is a narrator who goes from one city to the other, to recite poems written by others. He is, literally, like a person who sews spaces to each other; a liaison agent who is preoccupied by continuously linking spaces, in the limits of the inhabited world.
Rhapsody could be seen like a curatorial act par excellence, a weaving of narrations and stories.
It is also the narrative principle underlying a film, in progress, Les Impatients. It is a chrono-political series that takes the form of a quest on a world-wide scale, a global – but not totalizing – cartography of many signs of the future that emerge here and there.
This meeting is organized in partnership with the Institut Français du Maroc.
It falls in the framework of travelling narratives, a regional program of art and research that aims at encouraging interactions between cultural operators in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania and Libya.
Through the organization of a cycle of residencies, exhibitions, screenings, meetings, workshops and conferences, this project strives to cross and connect micro-stories from North Africa in order to discover and disseminate endogenous stories of these territories and to collectively imagine new social and cultural utopias from these alternative narratives.
Travelling narratives is supported by AFAC – The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, the Goethe-Institut Marokko, the Institut Français du Maroc, the Centre Jacques Berque and the Ministry of Culture and Communication in Morocco. The program is carried out in partnership with Townhouse, مؤسسة ورق للفنون – WaraQ art foundation and the cultural space Diadie Tabara Camara.