Josep Caballero Garcia presents his choreographic and political approach centered on bodies, from pluri-identity to trans-identity.
Considering himself as both Spanish and Catalan, Josep Caballero Garcia works more specifically on the articulation that links sexual identity to anatomy.
It is through dance that he confronts the normative binary evidence man / woman with the practices that stem from it. Considering that it hinders all freedom and corporal creativity, he opposes this constraint that links dance movements to this distinction.
Aiming to harbor the porosity of genders, his choreographies urge to an appropriation of the gestures out of any partitioning.
In this manner, he draws spaces of the natural intimate that transcends any prior social construction and that lead the body to develop in the sex-sexuality-gender synergies that are carried within society. In fact, transgendered dancers participate in his shows.
Excerpt from a text by Salima El Mandjra, 2017
This evening is part of the exhibition, هويات.أدوار. أجناس / Geschlechter. Rollen. Identitäten. / Genre(s). Rôle(s). Identité(s), curated by Katrin Ströbel and initiated by le Goethe-Institut Marokko.