For this new session, Anna Raimondo mixes and assembles live performances, electric assortments of radiophonic creations coming from all over the world, side walk interviews made in Brussels. These creations nurtured by unique interactions with the public resonate to celebrate together the radio and its community of listeners.
Infact, the radio is aggregation; it is incontrollable, everywhere and plural…
This radio event initiated by Anna Raimondo is a live streaming with an audience at RECYCLART (Brussels) and on Radio Panik with listeners at Platform Harakat in Barcelona, to Juan Pichincha in Buenos Aires, in Coté Jardin in Dakar, Radio Papesse in Florence, Fundación Cinenómada para las artes in La Paz, Kamen Nedev in Madrid, Dunedin-e in Marseille, Macau in Milan, Riot Studio in Naples, Le Cube – independent art room in Rabat, Hagai Izenberg in Ramat Hasharon, Agencia de Tránsitos Culturales in Tenerife… and at home!
Program set up and presented by Anna Raimondo and Chloé Despax
Sound Engineers: Arthur Lacomme and Susie Suptille
Design: Silvia Renda
With artistic participation of : Daniel Bargach Mitre, Myriam Pruvot, Franziska Windisch, Thierry Madiot, Bianco Valente, Manuel Calurano Ramos, Anne Debi, Jeanne Debarsy, Anna Raimondo, Felipe Rodríguez Gómez, Thiago Ruiz, Franziska Windisch and Andreas Oscar Hirsch.
• Artists et pieces broadcast
• Streaming of the program on Radio Panik