After the launch of Saout as a State of Mind by Saout Radio as part of the Off Off project during the Marrakesh Biennale, and then with the broadcasting of the project on Radio Panik, in different parts of Brussels, Anna Raimondo now presents a new phase of the project in Rabat, at Le Cube.
With a reference to the title and the approach of the Greek magazine “South as a state of mind” which posits the idea of the South as “state of mind”, rather than as a series of places fixed on a map, the Saout Radio platform broadcastes a program that reflects, in different ways and within different geographies, not only on the concept of the South, but also the meaning of the word Saout, as it means both sound and voice in Arabic. With the play of words between South and Sound, South and Saout, the public can explore new horizons on both the local and global scale.
Anna Raimondo gives curator and producer of radio art Elisabeth Zimmermann and architect Salima El Mandjra complete freedom to host a collective listening session. These guests choose in the archive of Saout Radio, a series of works that they present to the public. In a mixture of languages, alternating between English and French, and in a subdued light, the audience is invited to focus on the voices of the guests and to listen to the chosen sounds created.
The session was broadcasted on the Moroccan radio “Chaine Inter” as well as on “Kunstradio Wien”.
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