So close and yet, inaccessible. The universe glimpsed at from behind closed doors challenges us, and points out to the absurdity of the dream of far better elsewhere. Lonely as ever, standing in the face of our disillusions, invaded by the thunderous silence of the unspoken, by deaf interrogations, we remain but simple witnesses of these impossible meetings, of all those missed rendezvous.
What does then, make us unable to trespass this limit, to cross through the mirror and finally, penetrate this reality to which the other invites us? To protect one’s self at all costs, behind the facade, to refuse interaction for fear of getting lost during the revealing of oneself.
But by breaking the impetus of the heart, by denying our feelings to the risk of escaping happiness, are we not escaping life ?
Florence Deniel, Rabat 2006
About the artist
Born in Baghdad, Imad Mansour studied dance, at the National School of Music and Dance, and then he graduated from Baghdad’s Fine Arts.
Imad Mansour is a painter, graphic designer and illustrator. He creates installations and sculptures, and his works combine visual arts, physical and video theater. In fact, his artworks belong to the conceptual art movement.
Deeply influenced by Mesopotamian art, he reinvents, through painting, theater, installations and videos, a language and harmony that carries a heritage whose echo vibrates in the present. United in its genesis, plural in its forms, his work fuses with a perpetual movement that sweeps all nostalgia, in search of the originsof the world and oneself.
About the exhibition
• Interview of Imad Mansour with Florence Darsi
• “La tentation du retour trois ans après le début de la guerre” in L’Opinion
• “En tête-à-tête avec Imad Mansour” in La Gazette du Maroc
• “Exposition Imad Mansour” in Maroc Hebdo
• “Imad Mansour. Visions plurielles à l’unisson” in Famille Actuelle
• “A l’unisson dans le pluriel” in Le journal hebdomadaire
new generation
Aïn Al Bab