Safaa Erruas, a graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Tetouan, combines boldness and delicacy in her manipulation of space, thusly captivating the eye and the mind by her compositions of unusual elements.
They are just like so many snapshots of a world that is as sensitive as it is disturbing. Taken by the virginity of immaculate whiteness, these installations of minimalist essence highlight the displayed material in a subtle play with light and its auras.
As part of her solo exhibition in Le Cube, Safaa Erruas presents an installation that the spectator is invited to fully get into. Being the first of this dimension, for the artist, this artwork is not significant of a mere change of scale, but also of a real work of space reinvention.
“My work revolves around the complexity of the permanent tension between what happens around us and what happens inside us. Using a minimalist language made of monochromes and antagonistic materials that have a direct relationship with an intimate experience, I aspire to communicate a universal emotional reality. There is a sense of extreme fragility and latent forces, an oxymoron.
Needles, razor blades, gauze band, wire, cotton or white papers are materials that appear frequently in my works, they are elements I have been very familiar with, since my childhood.
Today and with greater awareness I use them in meticulous assemblages or in fragile suspensions that take shape in space, which draw for me indefinite boundaries between the intimate and the social.”
Safaa Erruas
About the exhibition
• Interview of Safaa Erruas with Florence Darsi
• “Safaa Erruas, la touche féminine” in L’Economiste
• “Le collectif 212 reçoit S.Erruas” in Maroc Soir
• “Les éléments insolites de Safaa Erruas” in La Gazette du Maroc
• “Safaa Erruas au Cube” in Ousra Magazine
• “Une blancheur entachée” in Maroc Hebdo
• “Safaa Erruas” in Exit
• “Safaa Erruas au Cube” in Le Rare