The wok of Jamila Lamrani is characterized by the usage of simple and ordinary materials and fragile objects of daily life. Silk threads, woolen fabrics and fibers, butterflies, satin dye, fine pearls, aluminum foils, paper balls constitute her world of representation.
Jamila Lamrani fosters audacity through the creation of her installations, as she explores and reveals the tensions and ambiguities rooted in society. With a tense fiber, she connects opposites such as power and fragility, the outside world and intimacy, gravitation and ascension. In fact, Jamila Lamrani embroiders, assembles, weaves, stretches fragile threads from one point of space to another, but the real material she makes use of is emptiness, it is the latter that she sculpts and delves into, incessantly. Having sensibility for the world and for perambulated places; the artist makes use of the void, which she nurtures continuously with her curiosity, in order to launch a new dialogue between time and space.
“Jamila Lamrani’s artworks belong to the indefinable. They are the type of artworks we see, from one exhibition to another, yet they do not cease to impress us: audacious installations that take possession of space, an affirmation of the pertinence of work that succeeds in its own particularity. That which transports us into the imaginary, wherein curiosity immerges, suddenly, urging us to fulfill it.”
Bernard Collet, 2005
About the exhibition
• Interview of Jamila Lamrani with Florence Darsi
• “Visions plurielles à l’unisson du Collectif 212” in La Gazette du Maroc
• “Jamila Lamrani, Puissance 3” in Exit Urban Guide
• “Exposition de Jamila Lamrani à Rabat” in Ousra
• “Jamila Lamrani au Cube” in Le Rare
new generation
Puissance trois