Badr El Hammami
Badr El Hammami was born in 1979, in Morocco. He lives and works in Marseille.
His artistic production is often about otherness, negotiation, construction and exchange.
In numerous projects, he carries out insitu works, as he focuses on the relationship he can establish between the people who surround him. In fact, he collaborates with wandering street vendors (Côte à côte), children in primary schools (Jeux d’enfants), and other artists (Offre spéciale). He commits to creating forms inspired from the context in which they are made.
Through his artworks, notions of movement, migration, frontiers and politics interconnect with personal problematics related to memory and family.
Badr El Hammami works on the entanglement that relates the micro history to the official one. With simple gestures (painting and burning postcards, separating a chess game with a wall…) and complex creations that get constructed on the long term (the study of correspondence by K7 audio, between France and the Maghreb), he constructs an artwork that necessitates a circulation of spoken words.
The artist participated in different international exhibitions – the most recent ones being: Rencontres photographiques de Bamako, 12th edition, curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (2019) ; Dakar Biennale, artistic director Simon Njami (2016) ; Benin Biennale, inventer le monde, L’artiste citoyen, curated by Abdellah Karroum (2012); Festival International de la Photographies et des Arts visuels, curated by Olfa Feki at Kerkennah, Tunisia.
• Page of Badr El Hammami on documents d’artistes PACA
• “Badr El Hammami – hors champ” by Julie Crenn