Abdellah Taïa presents his approach through the reading of an excerpt from his book Un pays pour mourrir. Thus, he initiates a debate about the ambiguity of these entities at the confluences of the in-between.
Being himself the object of this sexual and cultural fragmentation with a variable geometry, depending on whether the gaze comes from Morocco or France, he addresses the difficulty of getting rid of this continual absorption by stereotypes, and of the extreme loneliness to which these fragmentary visions condemn.
The characters in his book that we can discover during the lecture, embody this situation.
Homosexuals, prostitutes, transsexuals, immigrants, they are just as much of strangers to the country in which they live as to their own bodies.
Suffering from discrimination and mutilated by their successive abdications, each one of them struggles to consent to the fusion of all the configurations of his or her being and remains like a fragmented puzzle in its case.
The event also includes interactions with the public.
It is part of the exhibition, هويات.أدوار. أجناس / Geschlechter. Rollen. Identitäten. / Genre(s). Rôle(s). Identité(s), curated by Katrin Ströbel and initiated by le Goethe-Institut Marokko.