On the occasion of the second edition of the video night, Younes Baba-Ali and Simohamed Fettaka suggest a curatorial selection of videos by young Moroccan artists as part of the project Proposition for a laboratory of artistic and curatorial practices for the platform of DVD project, in partnership with the French Institute of Rabat and Le Cube – independent art room.
DVD Project is an international project of video art initiated in 2005 by Stichting Idee-fixe (Netherlands) whose purpose is to disseminate and promote emerging and experimental video art and create a democratic and available platform mostly for emerging artists. Currently this project represents fourteen selections, most recently Macedonia, Austria, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
The integration of the Moroccan selection in this project allows a visibility of the Moroccan arts scene on an international scale.
Moroccan selection : Mohamed Arejdal, Youness Atbane and Zouheir Atbane, Salma Cheddadi, Simohammed Fettaka, Abdelaziz Harraki, Mohssin Harraki, Rehab Kinda, Mehdi-Georges Lahlou, Omar Mahfoudi and Said Rais.
• DVD PROJECT_Dossier de présentation