Binatna, a phonetic translation and transcription of “between us” in Moroccan dialect, must be percieved as an act of meeting and exchange. At the same time, Binatna draws a gap, a distance, a so-called espace intermédiaire (intermediate space) which, according to the French sociologist Etienne Duval, is necessary to identify persons involved in an exchange and its dynamics.
This intermediate space “is first a separation space. This separation is necessary for the identification of protagonists and the dynamic of their relationship. The intermediate space is nothing. It is in-between. But what seems to be empty, turns into a playground where everything becomes possible. If there was, in writing, no white to separate words, reading and deciphering the meaning would be impossible.” *
After their research in Vienna and Rabat, the artists Carolle Benitah, Käthe Hager von Strobele, Jamila Lamrani, Edith Payer, Leila Sadel and Nicole Schatt have tried to capture the sites with an outside view, and to collect traces. For the artists, traces reflect impermanence in that they are proof of existence, a past state, or, one could write, manifestations of absences.
Reading traces means reconstructing a story, an event that is at the source of what follows. It is only through this process that the trace reveals its importance and its local roots. Generated subjective perceptions and experiences allow many interpretations that can lead to various narrative threads in the story.
Elisabeth Piskernik
translation by Colette Apelian
* Etienne DUVAL, psychologist, Lyon, lectur in 1992 at a symposium on separation, organized by FRIPSI à Echirolles.
About the exhibition
• Binatna dossier de presse FR
Binatna dossier de presse DE
• “Beside Memories” by Leila Sadel in Afriqueinvisu
• “Binatna / zwischen uns. Création féminine croisée” by Yasmine Belmahi
• “L’art du Maroc en Autriche” in Le Matin
Venues of the exhibition:
Galerie 127 in Marrakech
28th November to 14th December 2013
Galerie Mohamed Kacimi in Fès
9th to 23th January 2014
Musée Fondation Abderrahman Slaoui in Casablanca
4th to 18th February 2014
Palais Porcia in Vienne
1st to 10th April 2014
Featured events
Binatna / about traces

Vue de l'exposition au Cube - independent art room

Vue de l'exposition au Cube - independent art room